My Circle Time gives children:
* Time and date recognition
* Familiarity with colors, shapes, numbers, and letters by phonics
* Classic children's songs as well as new favorites
* Physical exercise and education
* Exploration of emotions and relationship basics
* Classic children's books and oral stories as well as new, research-based children's literature
* Introduction to basic science in the areas of Biology (human body, animals, plants) and Physical Science (color mixing, manipulation of different substances, observing the behavior of mass and density)
* Introduction to basic math principles
* Introduction to basic story writing skills
* Exploration of a wide range of graphic art media
My Circle Time PLUS may include any or all of your choice of:
* Deep exploration of Light, Motion, Sound, Change, Balance, Upside Down/Inside Out, Micro-to-Macro Focus, Chain Reactions, Human and Animal Behavior
* Theatrical Performance Basics
* Beginning Vocal Lessons
* Beginning Music: Sight Reading, Rhythm Dynamics, Solfège Scale, Instrument Familiarity and Recognition
* Simple Floor Exercise Gymnastics
* Basic signs in Signed Exact English (precursor to ASL)
* Basic Spanish (words for family and familiar items and events)
*Though children may prefer to use their own toys, books, or graphic art media, all necessary materials are provided by My Circle Time and brought to each session by the teacher.